Friday, March 16, 2007

Southwest Foods

I just returned from New Mexico.

What can I say? I ate a lot of Mexican food. I do not know the scale results yet but have four days to redeem myself before weight in at Weight Watchers. I plan to spend hours at the gym and riding my bike. I did try to eat salad, light meals, on schedule with the regular routine. However, the Mexican food did capture much of my dinner menus. I know I am in trouble. I had very little exercise for twelve days.

I had fun. I saw old friends and made new ones. I worked and played. New Mexico is beautiful. I want to buy investment property, and, I have this idea for a Mexican food café. Actually, I can justify eating so much Mexican food because I was doing research for the possible café. I am thinking I will try to do a menu with many of the same ideas for good Mexican food but lighter on the bad stuff. Traveling in Mexico years ago I remember the food was much lighter. I want to make the taste work without the bulk. I wonder if it will sell.

Days Later:
Tomorrow morning is WW. I have been riding my bike.
I found a good cookbook at the library Mexican Light by Kris Rudolph. It looks great. More later on this.

The big question for me: is it possible to open a café and still be a skinny girl?