Friday, February 16, 2007

First Post

I am assuming as I write this there is someone out there reading who also wants to be or stay skinny. When I say skinny I mean not fat. Believe me when ten pounds creep up slowly what is skinny takes on a whole new meaning. Forget about the x-ray thin idea. I think everyone agrees that just looks sick. And maybe is. I am talking about a man’s version of skinny, meaning “somethin’ to ya’ ” but not falling out in spots. You know what I mean, no bulges.

You got that? OK. We’re on. The first step I recommend is to call 1-800-651-6000 and turn your self in to Weight Watchers. I say this because it is the only thing that works over time. They have it down. I am in my second round of WW magic. I went for the first time about two years ago after trying several other diets. My Dad was on Weight Watchers many years ago, bless his soul. He used to say “ I have to go weigh in with the fat ladies.” It worked for him until he had a stroke and could not keep focused any longer.

Here’s what happened. I signed up for an expensive cruise. Had to get skinny. Had a dead line. Seven months. Worked really hard. Lost 15 lbs. Bought cute cruise clothes. Looked great. Cruise turned out not to be as great as I thought it would be. No real fault of the cruise itself. It was my first and I went alone on a group thing and did not connect with group so well because they were mostly couples. My looking skinny and great was not exactly a plus with the wives. Got home. Gave up. Ate everything. Gained weight back and then some.

Now I am, through prayer and great determination, on a mission to get my skinny body back. My health means everything to me. I have so much to live for. My life is blessed in so many ways. I will come to terms with this single older woman stigma.
Back to Weight Watchers.

Let me say a few things about WW. Really warm and fuzzy. Nice people, mostly women. Safe. Caring. And, all types trying to loose weight. Some have had a struggle with weight issues their whole lives, some just had a couple of babies and need to get back in their cute swim suits, some are once upon a time skinny girls like me, a big gang of grannies of all shapes and sizes. Medical problems seem to keep many from exercising the way they need to. It's hard to work up a thirty minute sweat when your knees feel like the Tin Man. And some have doctors saying "Get Ye To Weight Watchers Or Else".

Looking around the room I feel supported and lucky to just be wanting to get back into my expensive cruise wardrobe again. I can ride my bike and like to. I like to exercise. I like vegetables. I like healthy foods. This whole thing is a piece of cake for me. Some of the gals hate to exercise, hate vegetables, have never had good eating habits. And meditation? That subject has never come up. I feel I am way ahead of the game. So, tomorrow morning I weigh in for the week. I am hopeful. I'll let you know what happens. And, I have some great new recipes to share involving dumplings, sweet potatoes, and greens.

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